Monday, June 8, 2020

The beginning...

I've always loved to read, and growing up, the Babysitter's Club was my absolute favorite. I actually came to the series from the Little Sister books. Karen's Witch is the first "real" book I ever remember reading, and from then on, I was hooked. I still credit that book with starting my love of reading, which is thankfully still going strong. Of course it wasn't long before I moved on to the Babysitter's Club books, which I loved even more. I still fondly remember them, and how much I loved going to the used bookstores near where I grew up to look for new ones. This often meant trading in ones I had already read, so I only still have a handful of favorites left now.

Lately with interest in the series coming back, and the netflix show coming out, I've been thinking about the BSC again and wanting to re-read them as an adult. For the past few years, I've been collecting the original editions as a hobby, which gave me the idea to try writing about them as I read them. Especially since there are so many, it will be fun to rate and document the experience. I never got to read them all as a kid, so a lot of them will be completely new.

I know there are already a lot of blogs about people trying to re-read these books, but all the ones I've found are pretty snarky. While this is in good fun, I don't want to rip apart the books that were such a big part of my childhood and reading life. I want to revisit them with fondness and just enjoy the journey. Hopefully there are others out there who have noticed this same thing and will enjoy the difference. I know they are probably not nearly as good as I remember, and the later ones get pretty terrible, but I still think the experience will be a lot of fun. 

So, enough rambling! Coming soon, the book that started it all, #1 of our 131 original volumes. 

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