Saturday, July 11, 2020

#8: Boy Crazy Stacey

Thoughts before reading:

I definitely remember reading this one as a kid, just because it was a Stacey book. It wasn't a favorite though, because I was still a long time off from being interested in dating when I was really into the BSC. I can remember never being as excited about the books centered around boys, and by the time I was more the age the girls are in these I had moved on to other books. Also, back in the day I found this cover and title pretty racy and was a little embarrassed to check it out of the library, haha!

So, this cover is pretty amazing? The lifeguard looks like he's straight out of Baywatch. Stacey looks great too, appropriately young and adorable. The look on her face is hilarious. I also love that the kid (not sure which Pike that is or why she has dark hair?) is just hanging there so relaxed during this.

I already remember the story really well before reading, because this was one of the most recent graphic novels that came out. I highly recommend it too, it was one of the best ones. Seeing Sea City illustrated was really neat, especially Burger Garden and the Tunnel of Luv. You also get to see all the little Pikes!

The basics:

It is now the beginning of August, and play group from #7 has ended. The BSC is having a get together at Kristy's because soon they are all going to be separated for the first time since the club began. Dawn is going to California to visit her father, Claudia's family is going to a resort in New Hampshire, and Mary Anne & Stacey are going to Sea City with the Pike family. They were hired to be mother's helpers for two weeks at the very end of the last book. 

The first day in Sea City, Stacey sees an 18 year old lifeguard and immediately thinks she's in luv with him. She calls him "hunk" in her head and stares at him all day while Mary Anne is watching all the kids by herself. Not long after, Stacey learns his name is Scott and actually talks to him. Then she starts hanging around his lifeguard stand all day, doing him favors and swooning when he calls her pet names (cutie, beautiful, luv, etc.). Scott gives Stacey his whistle too, much to her delight.

When Mary Anne and Stacey get a night off from the kids, Stacey buys Scott a box of chocolates. Almost immediately after, Mary Anne tries to distract her from looking at something. She looks anyway and is crushed to see Scott kissing a girl his own age. After this she's so heartbroken she stays in with a headache the next day.

During all the beach days Mary Anne has been on her own with the Pike kids, she befriended a mother's helper named Alex, and they have been hanging out. Now that Stacey isn't hanging around Scott all day, she meets Alex's cousin Toby. After spending a day talking and hanging out with the kids, she falls in luv with him instead. (He's at least only 14, and actually has conversations with her.) 

The girls get another night off the last night in Sea City. They go on a double date to the boardwalk with Toby and Alex. After awhile they split off into couples. Stacey and Toby decide to ride in the Tunnel of Luv, and she gets her first kiss. He also buys her a seashell to remember him by. Mary Anne has a nice time with Alex, and he even buys her a souvenir ring.

Everyone heads home the next day. Stacey and Mary Anne talk on the phone right away, about the boys and everything that happened on the trip. It's clear they've grown closer and have their own friendship now. Claudia is also home from her trip, so Stacey calls her to catch up and talk about her first kiss. 


The first two weeks of August after 7th grade

My thoughts:

Stacey is definitely difficult in this book, and I wouldn't want to be Mary Anne trying to work with her. It is funny to read about though, and it's not hard to understand that a 13 year old girl is going to be more interested in boys than in babysitting. Scott is much older, almost a college freshman, and he definitely knows what he's doing when he flirts with young girls for attention and favors. Of course a junior high schooler is going to be flattered and get her hopes up in that situation. I really did feel bad for Stacey, and I remember being so young you fall instantly for someone for superficial reasons. 

I definitely thought Mary Anne was a class act in this book, again. She has every right to be furious with Stacey for leaving her to do everything alone, spending no time with her, and mooning over Scott 24/7. She gets irritated and stands up to Stacey about it, sure, which is absolutely the right thing to do in her situation. Besides that though, she watches 8 kids alone most of the trip, doesn't complain to the Pikes, and manages to make her own love interest in the process. She builds up an actual friendship with Alex, while doing her job and including the kids, not to mention still being able to think about other things. She forgives Stacey immediately once she gets an apology, and tries to protect her from seeing Scott kissing that other girl.

At the very beginning of this book, Stacey says she's nervous to spend two weeks with Mary Anne alone because "she's  very young and I'm very sophisticated". This is the most ironic statement in the series so far, given how each girl behaves during the trip. Also, it's just really harsh. Mary Anne has consistently so far been the most mature at handling conflicts, and the most responsible. Dressing trendy and being into dating doesn't make you sophisticated. That's all superficial stuff. 


*Stacey says her parents draw the line at her having two piercings in each ear. Really? Not sure what the hell the big deal seems like they let her do anything she wants style wise.

*It's never really discussed, but Stacey's family must be really well off. She says here that her parents had a four bedroom apartment in Manhattan. For their family of 3. That must have been insanely expensive, for something they didn't even need.

*We get postcard entries instead of the regular BSC notebook, which was another nice change up.

*Stacey says she's been needlepointing a swan for 5 years? Clearly she's not very dedicated, but I can't picture it.

*The Pike parents spend almost no time with their kids on this vacation at all. Isn't the point of a mother's helper to HELP the parents do some work so they can spend more quality family time? Isn't family time the main point of a family vacation? This seems sad to me.

*Mary Anne gets comfortable talking to boys and being alone with one, setting her up for things with Logan in a few books.

*Stacey mentions that she fills out her bikini top nicely...this is scandalous stuff for the BSC books!

*According to Stacey, all the other girls hanging around Scott's lifeguard stand before they met had the "honor" of doing him favors. She says one girl even gets to bring him lunch! Stacey, this is not a feminist attitude! Hopefully she learned something from it...

*Oh, and the little Pike on the cover is Claire. She cut her foot on a seashell, and Scott rushed in with a band-aid. At least he was good for something?

Books mentioned:

*Stacey is reading an Agatha Christie mystery, although she doesn't tell us which one

*Mallory is reading The Secret Garden

*Mary Anne is reading A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

My rating:

4 stars. A fun, nostalgic, summery read.

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