Thursday, July 1, 2021

Friends Forever #3: Mary Anne's Big Breakup


Thoughts before reading:

Now, here's a storyline I can get behind! This is so long overdue. I've despised these two, separately and together, from pretty much the beginning, and their relationship is so unrealistic for their age. 

The basics:

Logan loans Mary Anne the cards and letters she's sent him so she can re-create her journal, which was lost in the fire (for times and dates, I guess?). She rereads the letter she wrote him after they got back together (in Mary Anne Misses Logan) and is appalled to see that she wrote that she only felt like half a person without him. She certainly doesn't feel that way anymore. In fact, ever since the fire, Logan's been driving her crazy, being way too overbearing again. Mary Anne also tells Stacey, Kristy, and Claudia that she's thinking about breaking up with Logan, because her feelings have changed. She's sick of him deciding everything. 

Mary Anne then talks to Logan himself, telling him she's beginning to have problems with him being too overbearing again. He sarcastically asks if she wants to break up, and she shocks him by saying yes. (Haha, go Mary Anne!) He didn't see this coming at all, and even cries. She asks if they can stay friends, and he says no. 

Claudia finds her shortly afterwards, crying outside her house, and invites her over to talk. Dawn also calls later, and they talk things over. Mary Anne is confident that she's done the right thing, but it still isn't easy. It gets worse too... at school, Logan's acting sad and wounded all the time, his friends are all mad at her, and she even has to babysit for Hunter and Kerry, which is deeply awkward. Plus Logan's acting like she's going to change her mind at any time. 

The fall fling dance at SMS is coming up soon too, and now that Mary Anne is available, two other guys ask her out (one is Pete Black). She tells them she's not ready to date someone new, and decides to stay home the night of the dance. She ends up feeling lonely though. Then Logan calls and asks if he can come over to watch a movie, to give being friends a shot. She does want to see him, so she agrees. They end up fighting pretty quickly though, after Logan suggests that she's not thinking clearly because of the fire. He also still thinks she's going to change her mind and want to get back together. Mary Anne stands up for herself and asks him to go. 

Kristy, Stacey, and Claudia come over to cheer Mary Anne up the next morning. She already feels better, and is looking forward to finding out who she is on her own. 


It's October.

Misc. thoughts:

*Does Mary Anne suddenly have long hair again? They don't describe the characters anymore, but her cover model does.

*This book references Sea City, Mary Anne's makeover, and the Together But Independent thing Mary Anne and Logan did in Hawaii. Good continuity. 

*Mary Anne's still having nightmares about the fire.

*Logan has kept all the cards and letters that Mary Anne ever sent him. Mary Anne had too, but there all gone now. 

*Stacey's late to a BSC meeting because she's talking to Jeremy. Ugh.

*Logan doesn't work at the Rosebud anymore? Maybe in the Friends Forever universe you have to be 16 to work legally, haha.

*Claudia says her and Josh aren't really friends anymore. They don't actually hang out or talk like they used to, which seems sad to me. She mentioned being friends with him still a book or so ago. 

*Since when do all these guys like Mary Anne? If she's so quiet and shy, it's a little hard to picture. 

*Mary Anne goes apple picking with Kristy's family in here, and Elizabeth and Watson are both there, and they watch their own kids! Will wonders never cease?? Even if I'm not loving the FF books so far, I do love how they fixed so many of the problems with the original series. 

*Three of Mary Anne's favorite movies are Fly Away Home, When Harry Met Sally, and Paulie. I LOVED Paulie when I was a kid. For awhile my siblings and I watched it everyday. 

*Logan is so desperate in here, it's really pathetic. He spends the whole book sulking and acting like Mary Anne was insane to let him go.

*Ghostwritten by Suzanne Weyn.

*There's a lot of talk in here about how Mary Anne doesn't remember who she is without Logan, which is funny, because it's impossible to even say how long they were supposed to have dated... since they started dating at the beginning of 8th grade, and they broke up at the beginning of 8th grade. 

Books mentioned:


My rating:

3 stars. I love that this finally happened, and it was definitely worth dealing with Logan being awful for a whole book. 

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