Friday, February 26, 2021

#53: Kristy for President


Thoughts before reading:

I've never read this one before either, but I've been enjoying the school based plots like this the most, so we'll see. It's a lot more interesting, even as an adult, to read about something relevant to actually being a teenager. 

I like the updated cover better than the one pictured, it's actually really cute. This is the one I have though, and it's the original. 

The basics:

It's another lunchtime at SMS, and Kristy's making fun of the school lunch, just like always, when Stacey mentions that school elections are coming up soon. Kristy thinks it over and decides to run for class president. Claudia agrees to be her campaign manager. Additionally, Mallory is running for secretary of her class, and Jessi's her manager. Also up for 8th grade president are Alan Gray, Grace Blume, and Pete Black. 

After learning more about what the campaign and presidency will entail, Kristy starts to worry about how she'll manage her time. She'll have to do a speech and a debate just to run. Between her campaigning, homework, school, babysitting, family, and BSC meetings, she quickly becomes overwhelmed. She falls behind on her homework, and has to cancel a Krushers practice. Then she fails a science test. The teacher lets her re-take it, since she's usually such a good student, but between another Krushers practice and working on her speech, she doesn't have time to study. Her speech goes well, but her makeup test gets an even lower score than the original. 

Kristy FINALLY realizes she doesn't have time to be president because she has too many other responsibilities (something that was glaringly obvious from the very beginning of the book). She decides to drop out of the race, and the BSC is very supportive. Mallory ends up winning class secretary, and Pete Black wins president. 

While all this is going on, there's a side plot about Jamie Newton getting his first bicycle. He's scared to ride it, even with training wheels. Kristy starts trying to help him learn, and some of the other BSC members do too. He doesn't make any progress though, until some neighborhood boys see him and decide to help. 


No indication of what time of year this is, but aren't class elections usually in the fall?

My thoughts:

This book was hard to summarize because literally NOTHING happens. There's so much time spent on the bicycle sub-plot, which consists only of various BSC members holding Jamie's bike while he tries to ride up and down the street. I think this might be the worst side plot of the series so far. It's just not interesting to read about, and I don't see it appealing to the actual BSC reader age group either. Also, like so many things, I just have to wonder why the hell his parents aren't helping him. These Stoneybrook parents miss all the milestones and memories that go with raising kids...

Then there's Kristy's storyline, which is just her stressing out about not having enough time and struggling with all her commitments. I'm pretty sure even an 8 year old could tell she simply doesn't have time to be president. Then again, maybe kids would enjoy reading about another kid juggling activities and being overwhelmed by homework? I probably would have, back then. The only good thing I can say is, this is relatable and could actually happen.


*Why doesn't Stacey say anything when everyone complains about Mary Poppins being the school play? That's supposed to be her favorite movie.

*Ghostwritten by Nola Thacker

*The symbol they come up with for Kristy's campaign is K+? That's just awful.

*It's funny how we never hear about Krushers practices until they are a convenient plot device...

*Kristy's late to BSC meetings in this book! I wonder if anyone will use it against her later when she's glaring at them for being a minute or two late.

*It was obvious the whole book that Pete Black was going to win, since the other two candidates were pretty ridiculous. 

Books mentioned:

*Bunnicula, by Deborah and James Howe

*Bicycle Rider, by Mary Scioscia

*Bedtime for Frances, by Russell Hoban

*The Runaway Bunny, by Margaret Wise Brown

My rating:

2 stars. Boring, repetitive, and predictable. 

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