Saturday, February 27, 2021

#54: Mallory and the Dream Horse


Thoughts before reading:

This is one of the few Mallory books that I've never read. I liked My Little Ponies when I was a kid, and I was really obsessed with them for awhile, but I've always had zero interest in real horses. I never had even a little of the "horse phase" that so many girls do. My best friend growing up was obsessed (and still is), and even had her own pony when we were little, but I still didn't get it. I've always loved animals, but horses to me were just a lot of work, didn't do much, and didn't have much personality. Dogs and even cats just seemed so much more affectionate and loving. So obviously, I never read any Pony Pals, Saddle Club, etc, and this book held no interest for me. 

The basics:

Mallory discovers a flier in the mail for Kendallwood Farm, a riding school right outside Stoneybrook. She's thrilled by the idea of possibly taking lessons, something she's dreamed about for a long time. She asks her parents about taking a beginners riding class that meets on Saturday mornings, and promises to pay for half, both of which they agree to. Jessi also really wants to take the class, but her parents say no, because she's already doing a lot of activities. 

At her first lesson, Mal's embarrassed because everyone else in her class besides her is wearing full English riding habits (tan riding pants, collared shirts, high black boots). She just wears jeans, since the gear is really pricey. She does see her dream horse at the stables though, a beautiful white Arabian. His name is Pax, and she even gets to ride him during her second lesson. She also tries to make friends with the other kids in her class, but a lot of them are snobby and barely talk to her in return. In addition to being increasingly uncomfortable with her classmates, Jessi gets jealous that she's taking the lessons, and begins acting distant and cold. By the time a few classes have passed, Jessi and Mal aren't talking to each other at all.

During her third class, Mal rides a horse named Gremlin and has a bad fall. She's shaken and embarrassed afterwards. Her mom picks her up early and takes her to the ER. The doctor declares she's fine, but the incident ruins her confidence. Afterwards she's left afraid to try riding again on any horse, and starts to dread her lessons. 

Mal does get invited to a birthday part for one of the girls in her riding class. Since no one called her back when she had tried to make friends, she considers it progress and decides to go. She ends up feeling really awkward the whole time though, and doesn't have any fun or befriend anyone. When it's finally over she tries to tell Jessi about it, but she couldn't care less.

The Sunday following the last class, there's a little horse show designed to showcase what everyone has learned. Mal's dreading it, especially since her friends and family are coming. The fun has gone out of riding since her fall, and she figures she'll just humiliate herself. She ends up telling the BSC how worried she is, and when Jessi hears how miserable she's been they finally make up. Everyone attends, as promised, and Mal places 6th out of the 12 students in her beginner's group. Her parents are proud, since this isn't bad for a first show. They offer to pay for the next 8 weeks of lessons in full. Mal finally admits to them that she didn't really enjoy riding, and wants to quit.

While this is going on, the BSC is dealing with Nina Marshall having some problems due to being teased about her blankie. It ends up falling apart in the wash. Dawn comforts her by showing her how she can keep little blankies with her all the time in secret now. 

Also, the four youngest Pike kids put on a neighborhood talent show. 


No indication, other than it's not winter.

Misc. thoughts:

*If Mal is so horse obsessed, why did she never take any lessons or get involved until now? Or is it a recent obsession, and we just don't know, since she never ages?

*Ghostwritten by Jahnna Beecham and Malcolm Hillgartner

*I LOVED the Little Princess movie growing up. I had no idea there was an older version with Shirley Temple.

*Mal says her and Jessi sit around talking about horses and that it's their favorite rainy day activity? Sounds like a real thrill...

*Jessi's behavior in here sounds pretty standard for her age group, but she's really a little bitch all the same. It's not Mal's fault that Jessi's parents said no to the class, plus Jessi does dance and has dance friends of her own. Surely she talks to Mal about these things. How would she like it if Mal was jealous and took it out on her?

Books mentioned:


My rating:

3 stars, this one wasn't bad. The horse riding lessons were something different, and could have some value for kids who may have similar feelings: be true to yourself. REALLY boring subplots though. 

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