Monday, April 5, 2021

#75: Jessi's Horrible Prank


Thoughts before reading:

I've never read this one, but it sounds very similar in theme to #74, Kristy and the Copycat. However, I do tend to like school based plots, so we'll see. 

The basics:

Jessi's now in a Short Takes class called Software from Scratch, which is basically computer programming. The teacher, Mr. Trout, is goofy and awkward, resulting in the students making fun of him constantly. Jessi, on the other hand, feels sorry for him. She's getting fed up with the worsening pranks of her class too... kids dropping their books at the same time, turning their backs to him, etc. Mr. Trout never does anything about them, which has resulted in kids getting bolder. (He comes across as shy, even with the students.) 

The end of the school year is also approaching (again), which means the Sixth Grade Follies is coming up. It's a comedy, skit style show, done every spring. Jessi eagerly signs up to help, and ends up being on the finance committee and working on a skit called Hooray for Stoneywood. It's about an alternate version of SMS, where the school is for celebrities in disguise. The two teachers in charge are called "the Dollies" by the students, because they look like Dolly Parton, and they're incorporating this into the skit too. 

A girl in Jessi's computer class that she's friendly with, Sanjita, tells Jessi about a plan the class has cooked up to expose whether Mr. Trout wears a toupee or not. Jessi suggests that this might be a mean thing to do, and Sanjita warns her not to ruin their fun. She doesn't say anything, and during class a few boys manage to hook a fish hook into Mr. T's hair while they're writing a program on the board. (Page 65- but even after reading the scene a few times, I couldn't picture it or believe the teacher wouldn't notice.) They hook the other end to a roll up map. When the map is released, the toupee flies off his head and goes with it. Mr. Trout is embarrassed, but still doesn't say much. The whole class, including Jessi, cracks up.

Meanwhile, the skits are coming along nicely. Jessi gets the part of a Folly Dolly, and is also dance captain. One of the other kids comes up with the idea to end their celebrity skit with Elvis returning to say he was kidnapped by Klingons, then have Jessi come in, dressed like a bald Mr. Trout with a phaser. Jessi doesn't like the idea, but is reassured by the other kids that the show pokes fun at all the teachers. Plus the Dollies approved of the idea. 

At rehearsal, Jessi tries on the bald cap and ends up agreeing to play the part. She doesn't want to jeopardize fitting in by refusing. She also improvs some lines, and everyone thinks she's hilarious. The final show goes well, and Jessi gets tons of praise. All of this has her soaring all weekend afterwards, until Monday, when she learns Mr. Trout never showed up for school. Jessi feels terrible, assuming it's because of her skit, and is a mess all day. (In Short Takes, they now have a sub, who quickly gets the class under control.)

Jessi can't forget about Mr. Trout, even going to the principal to talk about what happened with the Follies and how guilty she feels. He reassures her that Mr. T just has to find his place, and teaching 6th grade just wasn't right for him. Despite this, Jessi tries to start a petition for the students to sign to get him back. Only the other BSC members agree to sign it though. 

Some of the BSC charges create and perform a BSC Follies for the girls too. After watching it and enjoying the show, Jessi realizes it's oddly flattering to be imitated. She still feels guilty though, so she writes an apology letter to Mr. Trout. He writes back that she did nothing wrong, he's just decided to go to grad school. 


Late Spring, near the end of the school year.

Misc. thoughts:

*Ghostwritten by Peter Lerangis

*Jessi's still got a haughty attitude about the Peter Pan show! She now says she was the comedy highlight...

*This book informs us that Stoneybrook is part suburban, part rural, and part ritzy... belated new information.

*I love Dolly Parton, and I actually just read a book about her, so I enjoyed all the references in here! It was a fun touch.

*Kristy says Mr. Trout brought all this on himself? That's pretty harsh. She just doesn't understand what it's like to be an introvert.

*Proceeds from the 6th grade Follies go to the Theater for the Deaf.

*The kids spoofing the BSC members in their skit was actually funny, definitely the best part of this book. 

Books mentioned:

*The Black Stallion series, by Walter Farley

*The Saddle Club series, by Bonnie Bryant

*Johnny Tremain, by Esther Forbes

*Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte

*Maniac Magee, by Jerry Spinelli

My rating:

2 stars. I get the intention behind this, but it was so slow and pointless. Jessi didn't even play a prank, let alone a horrible one, or act up in class, so there was no lesson learned or character growth. She already knew at the beginning of the story that the things going on in her class were wrong, and she was always against them. It just seems more like the series is running out of ideas. I'm really hoping to get into some better BSC books soon, because my motivation is still slipping away after this mess. 

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