Tuesday, April 6, 2021

#76: Stacey's Lie


Thoughts before reading:

I read, owned, and adored this book as a kid. Back then I found it delightfully scandalous too. I was very much the type of kid who was afraid of getting in trouble or breaking rules, so when other kids did, even in fiction, I was always shocked and thrilled. It let me live vicariously through them during things I would never do myself. 

I really hope to still enjoy this one, because at this point I NEED a decent read to keep me going! I no longer remember what Stacey is lying about in here, but at least it's bound to be entertaining.

The basics:

The school year has just ended, and Robert has gotten a job helping out on the Fire Island ferry for the summer. His family also vacations there every year, so he's going to be gone for two months now. The upcoming weekend is his last one in Stoneybrook before he leaves. Stacey's crushed that he's going, and wants to spend time with him, but it's not only her weekend with her dad, it's also Father's Day weekend. 

Stacey's shocked when her workaholic father announces that weekend that his work conference the following weekend has been cancelled, leading him to decide to take a vacation for two weeks with her. He promises they can even go anywhere she wants. She thinks over her options, but she can't stop picturing Robert everywhere that comes to mind, so she decides to pick Davis Park (on Fire Island). Stacey fails to mention to her dad that Robert will be there, because she doesn't want to hurt his feelings: he might think she's not interested in spending time with him, and only picked it because of Robert. (Which of course, she kinda did.) Her dad also lets her invite a friend, so she asks Claudia to come, but also doesn't mention Robert to her (so she won't feel like a "fifth" wheel). 

Of course, Claudia ends up finding out about Robert right away, when her and Stacey bump into him outside the harbor store. She's briefly upset, but Stacey says she only lied because Claudia wouldn't have come otherwise. Claudia agrees that this is true, and also to keep her secret. From then on, neither girl mentions anything to Stacey's dad. Stacey wakes up early each morning to walk Robert to work at the harbor, and she meets up with him often during the day. Claudia's a good sport about all of it, and comes along so it doesn't seem suspicious to her dad, then tries to give Stacey and Robert some space for alone time. 

Claudia does start to get bored because Stacey is constantly meeting Robert, and Mr. McGill isn't around very much, but when she finds out about the Fire Island 4th of July Parade, she gets really into working on a float and costumes for it. Her and Stacey do end up fighting a little though, after they plan a friend only night, and Robert happens to be at the same restaurant. Stacey apologizes and they reschedule the friend only dinner for the next night, but then Robert invites Stacey to go sailing that same evening. She decides she can fit in both, but doesn't tell Claudia. Instead she rushes her along through dinner. Despite her attempts, dinner runs later than she wanted it to, and when they leave the restaurant they bump into Robert, who had come by to meet Stacey. Claudia finally realizes why Stacey was being so weird all night, and in such a hurry, and storms off, furious. 

After failing to get Claudia to talk to her, Stacey takes a walk on the beach with Robert, where she spots her father kissing a woman! He looks embarrassed, but has no choice but to come over and introduce them. Awkward introductions are made. It turns out he already knew the woman, Samantha, from the city, but never mentioned to Stacey that she'd be around on their vacation. Basically, the exact same thing Stacey did to him. Stacey and her dad are both furious that the other lied to them, and also end up arguing. 

Stacey's still not speaking to either Claudia or her dad when Kristy, Mary Anne, and Shannon arrive for a visit over the 4th of July weekend. Claudia gets a chance to tell the girls her side of the story first, so Stacey feels awkward and like they are all mad at her. The parade also turns out to be a mess, because Claudia had planned for them to all do the float together, and made everyone costumes. Everyone is uncomfortable, and her float is a giant sandcastle that ends up collapsing before the parade even starts. A miserable, stormy weekend follows. Everyone goes home early, Claudia with them. 

Once her friends are gone, things just keep getting worse for Stacey. Her dad isn't speaking to her, and Robert is also acting really distant now. He finally tells her that he thinks they're spending too much time together, and maybe they should see other people. He also admits that the way she's treated everyone during the trip has made him uncomfortable. After all, if she would lie to her father and best friend, it's only a matter of time before she starts lying to him, right? (A fair point...)

Now that Robert has broken up with her on top of everything else, Stacey is crushed. She roams aimlessly around the island alone, ending up at the beach glass gallery that Claudia had been interested in during her stay. Stacey goes inside to look, and is surprised to see they have Claudia's sandcastle photos on display. She had spent a lot of time and effort working on them, but Stacey hadn't really paid attention until now. Things finally start sinking in, and she runs back to the beach house crying. Her dad is there, and he finally apologizes to her. They discuss how alike they are, both preferring to avoid difficult issues rather than discussing them. 

Robert catches up to Stacey on the beach later and also apologizes, saying he's always seen her as perfect, so when he saw she wasn't really he was unfairly hard on her. She accepts, and they make up. Stacey then goes to call Claudia, and they also make up (off page though). 

When Stacey gets back to Stoneybrook, they talk in person, and Claudia gives her a photo of them making a sandcastle together that she matted and framed. She titled it "Friends Forever". 

Meanwhile, Vanessa and Haley get into a big fight after they end up with the same bathing suit at day camp. Mal and Jessi eventually get them to make up by forcing them to work together in a camp race.


The very end of the school year in June, until roughly mid-July.

Misc. thoughts:

*Ghostwritten by Suzanne Weyn.

*Stacey says her motto is "life goes on, and you have to look for the good in it". I like that, actually.

*The gift Stacey got her dad for Father's Day sounds gorgeous: a marble chess set with the playing pieces sculpted into figures from the armies of the Civil War. 

*I always forget Mr. McGill's first name. It's Ed, for future reference!

*One of the options Ed mentioned for the trip was Europe! I can't believe Stacey turns that one down to see her boyfriend instead. She thinks instead about saving it for her honeymoon with Robert, LOL.

*Kristy's trying to drum up more business again, although I have no idea why. Haven't they still been short handed? 

*Jessi and Mal have paid jobs as counselors at the community center day camp. With all the job opportunities in Stoneybrook for junior high school aged kids, these girls are going to be able to retire by 30...

*Kristy makes a big deal in this book about everyone being on vacation at the same time, and what they will do about the club and clients, but by this point all the girls have been on vacation at the same time how many times? And everything was always fine.

*No idea how Stacey expected her trip plan to work out. Obvious Claudia would realize Robert was there at some point, and then what? She wouldn't have anything to do while Stacey was with him, so she's going to be mad that she wasn't warned. She could possibly have fooled just her dad, so why even bring a friend? I guess a thirteen year old in love isn't going to think too much though, haha.

*Claudia was actually a really patient, good friend in this situation. I'd have been really annoyed in her place, especially as a teenager. 

*Claudia's into photography right now, reading a book about it and making elaborate sandcastles, then photographing their destruction. Those are the photos Stacey ends up finding in the gallery.

*Stacey is beyond selfish in here, so I won't defend her actions. I was really feeling sorry for poor Claudia, who really did take everything in stride. However, I will say that Stacey's behavior was pretty realistic for a young girl with a boyfriend. Growing up, pretty much all my friends and my sisters were like this. Often worse.

*The friend only dinner scene was a painful one to read. Claudia's relaxed, trying to enjoy everything, and have a special, slow dinner, treating her best friend to a nice meal... and Stacey's rushing her along, crabby, distracted, and enjoying nothing.

*Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego! I totally remember that cartoon... we also had some of the merchandise, back in the day...

*I also remember Clue Jr! Although Monopoly Jr was my favorite, and I was really obsessed with it for awhile. I even played it alone sometimes, sadly.

*As of this book, there were 100 million+ BSC books in print.

Books mentioned:


My rating:

4 stars. Even at her worst, Stacey's books are some of the most enjoyable in the series. Despite her selfish actions, it was hard to find what she did completely awful, since we are in her POV, and therefore know that she didn't have bad intentions. She was just clueless and misguided in here. At least she learns and grows from the experience. 

Claudia was at her most mature in here, and a really impressive friend. Robert also handled himself well, and I totally understand why his trust in Stacey was shaken. Ed was pretty immature, not a first for him. Who gives their child the silent treatment? He had a right to be upset, but instead of ignoring his kid as a result, he should have been discussing, explaining... PARENTING. What a concept. 

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