Tuesday, May 25, 2021

#103: Happy Holidays, Jessi


Thoughts before reading:

Jessi's last book was WAY back, #82, when Danielle tried to drive a car and hurt Vanessa Pike in the process. Why such a long gap? At this point in the series, Mal and Jessi are hardly getting any books or storylines. I didn't read this far before, so I never really noticed, but now I'm really curious what the reason for that was. Were they unpopular, and their books didn't sell as well? Or were they trying to slowly phase them out because they were so young, and as time went on it seemed more ridiculous? 

Also, Poor Jessi and Squirt look awful on this cover.

The basics:

Jessi's excited because the holidays are coming up, and her cousin Keisha's family is coming to visit and stay with the Ramseys for Kwanzaa. She mentions this to the BSC, and Kristy questions the concept of a holiday that excludes everyone not belonging to one race. Jessi's taken aback at first, but then realizes that people might think Kwanzaa is racist simply because they don't know anything about it (it's a quiet, family holiday). She has the idea to have a Kwanzaa festival in Stoneybrook. (This is a nice idea, actually. I'll admit that I knew nothing about Kwanzaa myself before this book, and it sounds like a really great alternative to consumerism.) 

Aunt Cecelia takes Jessi, Becca, and Squirt out Christmas shopping soon after, but spends the whole time nagging them and arguing with store employees. Becca and Jessi get bored and decide to jump out and scare her in one of the stores. Predictably, she gets angry instead, and becomes even more so after getting a parking ticket for parking in a handicap spot. 

Becca makes a poster of all the toys she wants for Christmas, and she wants to hang it in the kitchen. Aunt Cecelia makes a comment about the kids getting spoiled, and Mr. Ramsey is furious. Things get tense at home, but after the fight, Aunt Cecelia starts being extra sweet to the kids, even taking them back to the mall to see Santa. The mall's really busy though, and they end up rushing because Jessi has to be home by noon for a Kwanzaa festival meeting. In the car on the way home, Squirt won't stop crying, so Aunt Cecelia lets Jessi take him out of the car seat. (WHY would she allow this, when it's unsafe, illegal, and they were almost home anyway? This is painfully out of character and shamelessly just a plot device...) 

After Aunt Cecelia stops at a yellow light (she's a very over cautious driver), a car hits them from behind. Squirt is thrown to the floor, but conscious when paramedics arrive on the scene. He's rushed to the hospital, and they want to keep him there for a few days due to a possible concussion. He then ends up blacking out a few times and having to stay longer. 

Holiday spirit in the Ramsey house dwindles quickly after the accident. John (Mr. Ramsey) and Cecelia are fighting a lot, Becca gets the flu, and with everyone trying to visit Squirt as much as possible, there's just no time to decorate or shop. Mallory and her dad do help out by bringing them a Christmas tree though. Squirt's still in the hospital on Christmas Day, but is allowed to come home the next day. All the adults are still fighting, however, so Kwanzaa doesn't start any better. Squirt's really fussy too, and then he catches a cold. Aunt Cecelia threatens to move out one day, then returns 45 minutes later. The Ramseys are stressed about the hospital bills. 

When Keisha and her family arrive, they feel awkward due to the tension and constant bickering, until Keisha finally asks all the adults why they keep fighting. Squirt takes that moment to burp loudly, which breaks the tension. Everyone starts laughing, and from there they enjoy the festival and the last few days of Kwanzaa. 

Meanwhile, the BSC gets a new client, the Harris family. They have two boys, both really sweet, but they turn into a handful for Mary Anne after they invite a bunch of friends over to do Kwanzaa crafts. And that's pretty much it for side plot, haha. 


It's December: begins on December 1st in fact, and goes to the end of the month.

Misc. thoughts:

*Since when do the Ramseys celebrate Kwanzaa? This was never mentioned in the Secret Santa book, or any other holiday related one. Introducing it now makes it feel like a stereotype.

*Ghostwritten by Peter Lergangis.

*Jessi says the moment she sees Christmas decorations in store windows, she's a little kid again. So... she feels a few years younger? This girl is only 11, haha. 

*Kwanzaa lasts 7 days, with lots of feasts, crafting, gift-giving, visiting friends/family, and storytelling. It was conceived of in 1966 by an African American professor, Dr. Maulana Karenga. After witnessing race riots in LA, he sought to create a celebration to unify the African American community. To do this, he studied the rituals of African tribes, learning most take place around the winter harvest season. Then he combined parts of different rituals to create Kwanzaa. 

*Kwanzaa lasts from December 26th to January 1st. 

*"Kwanza" means "first" in Swahili, with one letter added to the end to make 7 letters. 

*Each day has a theme too: 
1: Togetherness
2: Self-determination
3: Collective work/responsibility
4: Cooperative economics
5: Purpose
6: Creativity (also feast day)
7: Faith

*The Kwanzaa background and info is from pages 7-8. I never knew any of this before, so I found it really interesting. 

*Aunt Cecelia is pretty much the worst customer ever in here, a retail worker's nightmare. She's also a real nagging shrew to the kids. Despite all this, I do think she has a point about Becca and her wish list poster. It doesn't do Becca any good to learn that Christmas just means getting tons of new stuff.

*I like the Harris family! They don't allow any TV on weekdays, and one whole wall of their family room is bookshelves. 

*BSC drinking game! Drink every time this book says "Kwanzaa". You won't last a whole chapter...

*Despite the ridiculous circumstances of the accident, everyone crying and Squirt lying motionless on the car floor was really emotional to read about.

*There was some good eating in this book... I've made Hoppin' John before, and it's delicious.

*Kristy wants to do a Kwanzaa skit on the history of the BSC, for publicity, haha. Considering all the problems they have with being short handed, she's always really concerned about advertising the club...

Books mentioned:

*Her Stories, by Virginia Hamilton

*The Seven Days of Kwanzaa, by Angela Shelf Medearis

*Crafts for Kwanzaa, by Kathy Ross

My rating:

2 stars. The main problem with this was that it was just SO boring. 

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