Friday, May 14, 2021

Mystery #25: Kristy and the Middle School Vandal


Thoughts before reading:

Ugh, here we go again. I miss the days where I could read a nice chunk of books from the regular series before having to stop. Now usually it's only 1, then I'm back to mysteries, super mysteries, portraits, etc. Only 11 more to go after this!

Oh and I've never read this one before.

The basics:

Kristy's studying for finals when Abby and Shannon stop by her house to chat. Abby brings up Brad Simon, the kid who was selling the "study guides" not long ago. He was suspended for that, and now he's on another lengthy suspension, but no one knows what for this time. Another 8th grade boy, Troy Parker, is also. One of the girls also mentions that the teachers at SMS are up for a new contract soon, and it's not going well. There's a possibility of a strike. To top off all this drama, the Mischief Knights have been stirring up trouble again.

At school, Kristy finds that the MKs have somehow erased all the answers on her math homework (she knows it was them because they leave their initials behind whenever they do a stunt). She confronts Cary about it. They argue, and he challenges her to a mystery: he will create one, the BSC will attempt to solve it. If they succeed, the MKs will never bother any of them again. Cary also steals her watch, and says he's keeping it if he wins. Kristy agrees to his Mystery War, so he tells her they'll have 6 school days to solve it, 8 clues total, starting the next day.

Kristy's dismayed when she receives Cary's first clue, though: "Get Your Mother (understands). The girls determine later in the day that it means under the GYM stands, and sure enough, they find the next clue there:

a drop of golden sun
just short of failing
a skaters figure
not him, you see, but
(where does it all come from?)

The answers are ray, D, 8, and her: radiator. 

This same day, a few teachers' cars are vandalized. Kristy attends the school board meeting that night, where the teachers announce they'll strike in a week if there's no compromise. If they do, it will also prolong the school year. 

Cary's third clue is "Toasted gloves or barbecued bats, anyone?" Kristy figures out this means the supply shack that burned down (during Kristy and the Copycat). During school that day, there's a false fire alarm that everyone assumes is the MKs doing. 

The fourth clue is "Cafeteria hamburger + A Theory of Man and Woman- SMS on street = a fly on the wall of...

Stacey figures out that it's a numerical clue, adding up to room 116. While the girls are working on it, there's yet another incident at school... this time, a flooded bathroom.

Clue 5 is "Nothing personal, Claudia, but check your spelling. They quickly figure out that this means the spell check on the computer she used for her personals column at school. After logging on and doing a quick spelling test, they get the 6th clue: "B2 or not B2... That is the Question. (Are you sitting down?) The girls figure out that it means seat number B2 in the auditorium. When they race there to get it, the principal and some administrators are already there, because some stage equipment has been vandalized. The BSC is briefly suspected, since they can't provide a reason why they're in the auditorium. Flustered, Kristy points them to Cary instead. 

After the BSC meeting that day, Cary shows up to tell Kristy he's innocent, and how he had alibies for each incident. She feels bad for accusing him and apologizes. 

The last clue in Cary's mystery is: Hey Abby.
I PA2 + FotusoAand2+R
(drawing of four witches)          (look up)

Kristy and Abby figure out that it means "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the USA". For Which it Stands = 4 witches stand (the drawing). Cary's also in Abby's homeroom, so it all fits. Sure enough, she finds the final paper in their classroom by the flag, and it says "bring me the head of the false Mischief Knights!"

The girls start trying to figure out who the vandal could be, realizing now that they are using the MK title to deflect the blame. Mary Anne realizes that because of mistakes they've made, like writing the "MK" initial in green instead of red, which the real MKs use, the vandal might be color blind. Claudia thinks it's Troy Parker, because his clothes always clash. They don't have any proof though, so Kristy gets Cary to break into his locker, even though they have to forfeit the mystery war for him to agree.

Inside, Cary finds a green permanent marker and an envelope addressed to the Stoneybrook news. Troy catches them digging through his locker and starts ranting about how Principal Kingbridge is a liar and he hopes all the teachers and administrators get fired.

With the vandal now caught, the teachers' strike is called off.

Side plot: Cary's mystery war gives Kristy the idea to have a scavenger hunt for their charges. 


It's June.

Misc. thoughts:

*The gossip session Kristy, Abby, and Shannon have in chapter one fits all this book's storylines and solutions into one conversation... lazy writing.

*I liked the idea of the fake mystery after all these absurd real ones, but of course they had to ruin it by including a real mystery, the identity of the vandal.

*Kristy should have just showed her homework paper to the teacher. She's a good student usually, and you can usually tell when things have been erased. Since the MKs had been such a problem, I'd think he'd be understanding. 

*Kristy really loves her digital watch (the one Cary steals) in here, and all it's fun features. Just wait until she can get an apple watch or a fitbit!

*I like Cary a tiny bit more after this book, where he makes a point about the absurdity of the BSC solving mysteries, and calls them the BSCPD. Hilarious, and dead on!

*How long was Cary planning this mystery war? It would have had to be mostly ready, since everything's up and running the next day after Kristy agrees.

*I liked the following clues format of this one, and I figured out all of them except the numerical one and the pledge of allegiance one.

*One of the kids in Jessi's group for the BSC scavenger hunt is Tiffany Kilbourne... who is 11, just like her.

*Ghostwritten by Nola Thacker.

Books mentioned:


My rating:

3 stars. This was actually fun to read and try to figure out the puzzles. I was disappointed that the vandal was just some random character though. 

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