Tuesday, June 8, 2021

#112: Kristy and the Sister War


Thoughts before reading:

All I can say, based on the summary for this book, is that they are clearly getting desperate for ideas. This was definitely the time to introduce a big change, something to really shake things up and make the series feel fresh again, but of course, that isn't what they did. It's starting to seem like the next twenty-something books will all just feel like filler.

Also, what the hell is up with Shannon's pants on this cover? This girl is rich, she could certainly afford to find something better to wear than these hideously unflattering and uncomfortable looking pants, yikes.

The basics:

Mrs. Kilbourne calls the BSC needing a regular sitter, because she's joining the dance committee at Shannon's school. She's also now taking classes at Stoneybrook University, working towards a teaching degree. Kristy takes the job, but when it begins, she's surprised to find Tiffany and Maria (Shannon's little sisters, 11 and 8) sullen and mopey. Eventually she pries the reason out of them... they're both angry at Shannon and their parents for being so busy that they never have time for them. This breaks Kristy's heart, and she vows to help find a solution. 

With Kristy's help, the girls make a list of ways they can help Shannon, so that she'll have more free time. This turns into a disaster from the get-go, however, when the girls try to make Shannon's favorite cookies but end up bickering so much they just make a big mess instead. Next time, the girls walk Astrid, and she runs off. Then they mess up Shannon's algebra homework and fumble cleaning her room. Shannon asks them to just leave her alone from now on. 

Now even more hurt, Maria and Tiffany declare war on Shannon and start plotting how to make her life miserable. They start playing mean pranks on her, and Shannon goes on ignoring them. Then Tiffany and Maria start bickering with each other, because both girls have crushes on Jordan Pike.

After a series of increasingly mean pranks, Shannon opens up to Kristy about how overwhelmed she's been with all her activities, and how her sisters are driving her crazy. Kristy listens and helps her to see that the girls just want her attention.

At Kristy's suggestion, Maria and Tiffany write Shannon letters about how they've been feeling. Shannon surprises them by quitting the school play so that she'll have more time, and also by coming to the kid's dance that the BSC is throwing for their charges. Both Kilbourne parents also attend the dance and vow to be better about making family time. 

Side plot: Claudia wants to fix Kristy up with one of Mark's friends (her 7th grade semi-boyfriend). Kristy doesn't really want to, but agrees because Claudia's excited. Beforehand, Claudia takes Kristy to the mall to get a makeover. Even though she doesn't want it, Kristy goes along with this as well. (Kind of out of character of her. Plus, didn't we learn anything from the last book??)

Claudia, Mark, Kristy, and Steve go on a double date together, and Kristy wears makeup, and a new outfit. From the start though, she doesn't like Steve. He doesn't pay much attention to her, is boring, and is obsessed with sports merchandise. She also doesn't like the way Mark treats Claudia... he's late, then doesn't apologize, and doesn't really pay attention to her either. 

Kristy declines to go out with Steve again.


It's early October.

Misc. thoughts:

*Ghostwritten by Ellen Miles

*Kristy spaces out resting in the sun in her yard, and almost misses the BSC meeting! Gasp!

*I like that Tiffany's more like a real 11 year old, but it just bugs me so much how they didn't think any of this through. Why not have had Mal and Jessi be in 7th grade instead? Or just make Tiffany a year younger, since in these books, 10 year old's are kids and 11 year old's are babysitters?

*Plus, at this point in the series, we've had a bunch of 10 year old's trying to be babysitter's helpers, but this book doesn't even pretend Tiffany is an assistant or helper. She's very much a kid... Kristy even tries to get her to play with her kid kit in here! Yet the books just blatantly ignore this huge discrepancy. What if Mal or Jessi had gotten this job instead??

*Mal and Jessi can also handle a bunch of little kids in all types of situations, including emergencies, and even infants... but Tiffany can't make cookies, clean, or walk a dog without a disaster happening?

*When the girls try to make cookies in here, they trash the kitchen, and just leave the mess, because Kristy has to cook dinner at home. Whatever happened to the BSC rule/common sense of leaving a house how you found it? I'm surprised Mrs. Kilbourne wasn't mad at Kristy. It definitely feels like if another BSC member did this, the parent would call Kristy to complain, and Kristy would scold them.

*Kristy refers to Tiffany as a little girl, page 41. 

*This whole story was really annoying, and Kristy really should have stayed out of it. She makes everything worse, but then of course, at the end there's still a magic, last minute resolution. 

*Wouldn't Tiffany have dances in school by now? Plus at this kid's dance event, she'll be the oldest kid, and the same age as some of the chaperones...

*Since when does Kristy hate action movies? Seems like something she'd love.

*Kristy says Tiffany's too young to be interested in dating?? Mal and Jessi both date! I just can't with this book, it makes no sense.

*Shannon's actually really patient with her sisters in here, because their pranks are really mean. I'd have flipped out.

Books mentioned:


My rating:

1.5 stars. Boring, and it makes no sense. This should have been another Shannon's story, if it had to exist at all. 

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