Thursday, June 10, 2021

#115: Jessi's Big Break


Thoughts before reading:

It's been quite awhile since Jessi had a book, and now this is already her last one. She's the first main character to be done narrating books already (Dawn doesn't really count in this regard, since she moved away and has the CA diaries). Seeing as how everyone else's last books, including Mal's, are awhile away, Jessi got a pretty raw deal.

The basics:

A month ago, Jessi auditioned for the winter session of Dance New York, and she's just heard back that she was accepted. The program is three and a half weeks long, and of course, in the city. Her parents give her permission to go, since it's a great opportunity. Plus she'll be staying with family: Aunt Cecelia's only son, Michael, lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Marian. Jessi's family drives her there to drop her off, which proves to be pretty awkward... Becca's mad at Jessi for leaving, and Aunt Cecelia and Marian don't seem to get along.

Jessi has other things on her mind though. She's excited and nervous for her class, and is surprised to see Quint's also in it. (Who didn't see that coming?) Very quickly, however, she finds herself discouraged, because the teacher keeps correcting her. (He's correcting everyone else too, seeing as how he's the teacher and all, but Jessi takes it super personally.) 

Of course, things quickly improve. Jessi's praised by her instructors, and makes a group of African-American friends, something she's really missed having since she moved to Stoneybrook. Quint's even flirting with her again, but she doesn't want a boyfriend, so she's not sure how to react. She does end up having dinner with his family again, but chickens out of telling him she still just wants to be friends. 

Jessi also likes Michael and Marian, and she learns from them that Aunt C had wanted Michael to follow his passion and become an artist, and she's mad that he went to business school instead, hence the tension. Jessi's surprised to hear that her stuffy old aunt really has an "artistic soul". 

Eventually, Jessi manages to tell Quint she just wants to be friends. He's disappointed, but understands. She also says maybe she'll be ready for a boyfriend when she's 13 or 14. 

Mal comes to visit NYC for a weekend during the program too, because Jessi's been so busy she hasn't gone home for any of them. She's really missed Jessi, but Jessi realizes she hasn't enough time to miss anyone. She loves the freedom and the fast pace of NYC, and doesn't want to go home.

Becca and the BSC plan a surprise welcome home party for Jessi, but she misses it because she ends up staying an extra night in NYC, so she can audition for Dance New York's full-time program. She's accepted and can start anytime, but her parents want to think it over. (Finally, some reasonable parenting.)

Once back at home, Jessi also starts carefully thinking this big choice over. After hearing about the failed surprise party, and thinking about everything she'd have to give up if she left, she decides to accept the offer when she's older. 

Jessi also inspires Michael to start painting again.

Side plot: Becca's angry and sulky because Jessi's gone. Blah, blah.


It's January.

Misc. thoughts:

*Ghostwritten by Peter Lerangis. 

*Aunt Cecelia once wanted to be an actress.

*I guess Jessi and Quint lost touch for awhile prior to this book, which makes sense. I had recently wondered what happened to him, because he hadn't been mentioned in awhile. Then again, we rarely have Jessi's POV anymore, so that's definitely part of it.

*There were so many recycled plot lines in here... Becca being angry because a family member left, and sulking the whole time, mainly. It wasn't good the first time either, and Becca is a real spoiled brat. Jessi trying to tell Quint she only wants to be friends, but having to spend the whole book working up the courage, was also done already. There's also a scene where Jessi imitates the dance teacher to her friends, and he overhears. Although he seems amused, she worries that she hurt his feelings... all really similar to Jessi's Horrible Prank.

*Quint's dad is a chemical engineer.

*Jessi's friend tells her that cute guys don't often like strong women? That's a strange and untrue belief. Looks don't have anything to do with that, and, what a message to send young girls. Yikes.

*Becca's still friends with Natalie Springer.

*If this was it for Jessi, why not just have her join the dance company now? I know she's not really even mentioned in the Friends Forever books, so this would explain her sudden absence across the board. It really seems like they wanted to phase out the junior members anyway, and make the 11 year old characters charges again instead of sitters, so this would be a nice way to do it. Jessi fans would get to see her off happily doing something she loved, instead of being pushed out of the series and ignored. Plus, Mal is leaving soon anyway. This would play into her decision, and make it easier to go.

Books mentioned:

*The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, by C. S. Lewis

My rating:

2.5 stars. Not terrible, just very repetitive and another dull story. 

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